Céline Deschamps
Jardin de l'Archevêché Narbonne
So Instagrammable

The best photo spots on the Côte du Midi

Admit it, who doesn't want to show off beautiful pictures of their holidays on social networks?
Seasoned Instagrammers and amateurs, this page is for you. Our beautiful photo spots will make your colleagues green with envy! 
And don't forget to tag us, you might become the star of the Côte du Midi!
@cotedumidi_official #cotedumidi

Œil d'Eos
Pontons à Peyriac de Mer
Peyriac de Mer

The Pontoon Walk

This is one of the must-see walks on the Côte du Midi!

And one of the most photogenic places you can go during the day to capture the beauty of the pink flamingos as the sun sets to capture the colour and light of a magnificent sunset on the lagoon.

En route to Peyriac de Mer


"Rue Plongeante"

Bages, a small village perched on top of a rock, offers a breathtaking view of the lagoons. 

A small picturesque, authentic, artistic jewel with undeniable, extremely photogenic charm! Everything is Instagrammable but our favourite is the street at the top of the village with flowers and a view of the lagoon.

Discover Bages

Œil d'Eos
Cote du Midi

Sunrise at the Beach

This is a must for early risers! Go to the seashore in Port-La Nouvelle, Narbonne-plage or Saint Pierre La Mer to watch the sun rise over the Mediterranean horizon.
Time will stand still as you admire the sight and enjoy the moment... and you’ll leave with a photo of the #sunrise that will be a huge hit on social networks!

Discover our villages resorts


Sunset on the lagoons

For #sunsetlovers like me, go to La Nautique near Narbonne at the end of the day to capture the beautiful colours of the sunset on the lagoon of Bages.
If you're lucky, shades of pink or orange will light up the skies of the Côte du Midi for you and your Instagram followers to enjoy!

Bernard Delmas - Mairie de Narbonne
Sunset La Nautique
Cote du Midi
Route de Narbonne-Plage

The Belvedere of the Clape

On the road between Narbonne and the Mediterranean, a true symbol of the road to your holiday destination, is a mandatory stop before you arrive at Narbonne-Plage or Saint Pierre La Mer!
On the top of the massif de la Clape, is a viewpoint that offers a breathtaking view of the surrounding nature and the Mediterranean.
The blue of the sky and the sea against the green of the vines: you won't need a filter to take a successful photo here!

Discover Narbonne-Plage


"Le Pont des Marchands" (The Merchants' Bridge)

One of the only two inhabited bridges in France, it's worth a post!

Landernau and the Merchants' Bridge of Narbonne is the last inhabited bridges in France.

This bridge consists of seven arches, only one of which is visible, which shows the width of the ancient Aude! It will fit into your shot perfectly.

Take the Merchant Bridge (Le Pont des Marchands)

Cote du Midi
Céline Deschamps
Banc Géant Jardin de l'Archevêché Narbonne

The Giant Bench

In the "Jardin des Archevêques de Narbonne": as well as a superb view of the "Palais-Musée des Archevêques" and the "Cathedral", a strange work of art awaits you on the terrace!
The first challenge is to climb up onto it... And then you’re a Mini-Me! The poses and the angles are up to you!

Visit Narbonne


The XXL Selfie

It isn't always easy to take a nice selfie with your family and you can't always see the landscape... In Narbonne, we have the solution: the XXL selfie!

Go to the Barques footbridge in the city centre, follow the instructions on the sign, click on your smartphone and you will leave with an exceptional souvenir of Narbonne!


Learn more about the XXL Selfie

Côte du Midi
Selfie XXL Narbonne
Le Somail

The Somail Bridge

Le Somail is one of the most charming villages of the Côte du Midi! One of the most photogenic too: the small stone bridge over the Canal du Midi looks picturesque from all angles!

Whether you look at it from below, from the right or left bank, or crossing it and admiring the Canal, you’ll get the perfect shot.

Sometimes our friends the geese, who have taken up residence in Le Somail, also pose for the camera :)

Discover Le Somail


Le Gouffre de l’Oeil Doux

Attention! Geological curiosity ahead!

There’s a walk through umbrella pines near Saint Pierre La Mer, leading to an emerald lake in the heart of the scrubland. It is actually an underground cave whose upper wall has collapsed…

If you search on the Internet, you’ll find plenty of rumours and legends about the l’Oeil Doux! It's worth a post...

A walk in La Clape

L'Oeil d'Eos
Gouffre Œil Doux
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