Benjamin Mourot
The finest view of the entire lagoon


Situated a stone's throw from Narbonne, the village of Bages seems to emerge from the lagoon like the prow of a ship. In fact, this rocky outcrop is where you can enjoy one of the finest views of the Bages-Sigean lagoon.

At the foot of the village, you can get a feel for the "fishing port" atmosphere, with charming moored boats and fishing nets drying in the sun. A small climb up to the heart of the village will reward you with a picturesque square and fountain, surrounded by restaurants, narrow streets and panoramic views of the lagoon.

Bages and its lagoon

Etienne Belondrade

Bages is perched on a rock above the Bages-Sigean lagoon, the biggest in all of the Côte du Midi. The village offers one of the most stunning views, from the port of La Nautique to the Île Sainte Lucie. At the highest point lies the church of Saint Martin, from where you can contemplate the surrounding landscape at an altitude of 35 metres!

OT Côte du Midi
Carte de situation de Bages

Bages, natural heritage and the gentle way of life

Your exploration begins in the small village square, where you can sit outdoors at a café terrace and enjoy the sun. You will then pass through the sundial village gate, long ago the main entrance to the old fortified village (the sundial dates back to the 17th century). Once through the gate, you enter the medieval part of the village with its adjoining houses. On hot summer days, you will particularly enjoy strolling in the coolness of these narrow streets.

Emmanuel Perrin
Emmanuel Perrin
Emmanuel Perrin
Œil d'Eos
mairie de Bages

From the fishing boat to your plate

Bages is also a village of wine growers and fishermen. The fishing is artisanal, ancestral and, it goes without saying, environmentally friendly. Today, two young fishermen in their thirties have taken up the torch. Every day, you can wait on the quay for the fishermen to return, usually between 10:30am and 12pm, (except in bad weather) to directly buy your fish fresh from their catch! By all means ask them, they will be happy to oblige.

The chef's tip

Jean-Christophe Rousseau, restaurant owner

"In my restaurant ‘Le Portanel’, I give pride of place to fish from the Côte du Midi, however the undisputed star on my menu is the eel! Caught directly by the village fishermen, who are also my friends, it is always ultra-fresh. I use eels to concoct rillettes, tartare, terrine, stew... there are no limits to my creativity!".


A village of artists and art galleries

A number of artists have taken up residence in Bages, either for temporary stays or to settle down for good in this rocky headland. To be sure, the colours and light reflected on the lagoon are sumptuous, no matter the season. The village itself offers three art galleries: L’étang d’art, Latuvu, and the Maison des Arts. The latter is a municipal gallery (which is very rare), installed in the old presbytery. Access is free. The view is breath-taking and the contemporary art exhibitions enjoy national renown!

"La maison des Arts"

Perrin Emmanuel
Maison des arts

Must-see walks

Etienne Belondrade

« Dans le sillage de l’anguille »" (literally "in the eel's wake") is a 2 km route created by the Narbonne Natural Park, punctuated by information plaques that provide insights into the local heritage.

« La boucle des Caunes »(the Caunes loop) is a 4.8 km hike for all ages that will take around 2.5 hours. This enjoyable circuit offers plenty of panoramic views of Bages and its lagoon.

Etienne Belondrade - VOST Studio
randonnée à Bages

The ultimate good deal: "la bateauthèque" (boat on request)!

The idea is simply brilliant. You join the association, whereupon you get to navigate the lagoon on small boats whenever you like: sea kayaking, windsurfing, catamarans. It's worth it if you come regularly to the Côte du Midi!

What's the weather like? Weather
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In the back country
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